This project was part of the SheCodes Basics workshop. The workshop was a refresher in HTML, and JavaScript. The project focused on utilizing the basics of HTML and CSS, while adding JavaScript functionality for animation of elements in creating a simple landing page.
In this 8-week SheCodes workshop, I built an interactive weather app using Bootstrap. The process included creating a project wireframe and then converting it to HTML and CSS. From here, I added the JavaScript. Once the app was completed Search Engine Optimization (SEO) was performed, my code was uploaded to GitHub and the project on was hosted on Netifly. Plan, design and coding on an app using an API to get live weather forecasts based on a location search that the user enters or by geolocation.
This was a one week SheCodes Basics add-on workshop. The project focused on utilizing the advanced coding techniques of HTML and CSS, while adding JavaScript functionality for animation of elements in creating a more sophisticated landing page.